Let’s face it, few of us jump out of bed in the morning exclaiming, “My day won’t be complete until I have stretched into a new, uncomfortable behavior to heal my partner’s wounds.” Giving up old ways of relating, “stretching”, etc., are hard work which most of us tend to avoid. Thus, most couples find that some type of outside support really helps to keep the process moving.
Here are some great ways to keep your connection to each other and Imago strong!
1. 20 Dialogues in 20 Days! Free!
Research tells us it takes at least 21 days of daily practice to to form a new habit. So click here to get started with “20-in-20” – an Imago Dialogue at-home practice program and your path to solidifying the new tool you learned this weekend. Be sure to read all FAQ’s at the bottom of page. Congratulations: you are now officially in “Dialogue Training!
2. Therapy (Not free, but…. with the right therapist, worth every penny)
To those of you who are already working with a therapist, I want to send you my congratulations for making this level of commitment to your relationship. Your marriage/ relationship is precious – makes sense to treat it that way!
I encourage anyone who may be considering this step to give it a try, as it is a powerful choice for follow-up after the weekend.
3. The Couples Workstation First month free!
The innovative Couples Workstation is an interactive web based tool offering couples a way to work on and strengthen their relationship in the privacy of their home. Each spouse has their own private “workstation” where they can “analyze relationship frustrations, create an “action plan” for their relationship, focus on deepening and strengthening loving interactions and then receive email reminders about the information they and their spouse have entered. It’s a little like having an Imago therapist living in your home! Please check out the Workstation – the first month is free, after that, it’s only about $15/month.
6. Continue2Connect! Free
Continue2Connect is an online, 12 week follow-up program.
7. Check out The Imago Shop
Take a look at the rich variety of books and videos written by Dr. Hendrix and various other Imago therapists.

This is THE Imago book used by Ms. Reichlin in her work with couples. Please buy two copies – one for each of you.
8. And lastly, Read!
Check out Barbara’s recommended Recommended Reading Lists.