Barbara J Reichlin, Certified Imago Couples Workshop Presenter since 1994
A Message From Barbara . . .
Greetings. I’m delighted to have a chance to introduce myself to you.
I began conducting the amazing Imago Workshop for Couples in 1994, after completing personal training with, and certification by, Dr. Harville Hendrix, creator of Imago Relationship Therapy and the Imago Weekend Workshop for Couples. You might wonder why anyone would want to present the same workshop over so many years. I can tell you that in my case it’s simple: I love the energy, the amazing transformations and the fun of each and every workshop. It never feels old because a) I make a point to keep the material fresh and b) because each and every group brings their own unique contributions to the process.
In short, I feel grateful to be part of this journey which holds the possibility of lessening wounding for us and our children for generations to come.
If you’d like to know more about me, simply click here. Thanks for visiting and I hope you’ll make the leap to join me in creating a new, exciting chapter in your marriage or relationship.