“I miss us.”
Welcome to – Imagoworks – the online home of Houston and Bellaire, Tx., marriage counselor, Barbara Reichlin. Barbara, a Certified Advanced Imago Relationship Therapist, has had but one specialty for the past 26 years: helping couples and individuals identify and deal with the issues keeping them from having the close, harmonious and passionate relationship they desire.
“I don’t know how to get through to my partner any more. I try, but the door seems closed tight. Sometimes I feel rejected, other times dismissed and minimized. Seems like I always feel alone.”
“Our marriage is hurting from all the arguing – it’s exhausting. I wish we could find some peace and quiet.”

We’re not getting anywhere – just digging ourselves deeper
“We never argue – but I think it’s because we don’t know how to deal with our issues. Now we’re drifting further and further apart and constantly walking on eggshells – I’m ready to fix it but how do I bring up all these things we’ve never been able to talk about?”
“There’s been a betrayal in our relationship – now things are constantly breaking down into hours of tears, attacks, endless questions, defensiveness, you name it. We want to stay together but we can’t even talk about what happened – we need an impartial someone to help us communicate and heal!”
“Frankly, I don’t want to go to counseling – it’s not my thing, but I’ve run out of ideas on how to fix this. I’m starting to get scared, like we might not make it unless we find help.”
“We’re in crises – we need someone with a lot of experience, who knows what they’re doing – ASAP!
“I’ve heard that counselors sometimes side with one partner over the other … we need someone who’ll be able to see both our sides!”
Houston Marriage Counseling for Those Seeking Help With Their Marriage or Relationship
Several options exist for those wishing to build or restore communication and safety, repair a loss of connection and/or avoid an unwanted divorce.

Relationships, like flowers, need regular attention
For couples in any stage of relationship. Meet with Ms. Reichlin for private sessions, focused exclusively on your relationship. In the beginning, weekly sessions are encouraged. The first session, (and for most, subsequent sessions), are 80 minutes.
• Private Individual Therapy
For individuals seeking assistance to improve, save or find a committed love relationship. In the beginning, weekly sessions are encouraged. The first session is always 80 minutes, subsequent ones run 50 to 80 minutes long, depending on the client’s desires.
• Weekend Workshops for Couples
This option is, hands down, THE choice for couples seeking the greatest benefit for the least investment of time and money. In just a little over two days, enhance and divorce-proof your relationship in a seminar format. (NOT group therapy! No self-disclosure required; all work done in private.)
• Occasional Monthly Follow-Up Groups
For graduates of ANY Getting the Love You Want, Imago Weekend Workshop, to help you continue and integrate your Imago skills after returning home from a couples weekend workshop.
• Couples Intensives
Couples sometimes need or desire more than the standard 80 minute session. Intensive meetings, lasting three to six hours, over multiple days, can be devised to meet your needs. This program is helpful for those with difficult schedules, those who travel, live out-of-state, or are in crisis. Ask Ms. Reichlin about scheduling an intensive.