Barbara J Reichlin, MA, LMFT, LPC Certified Imago Workshop Presenter
(See Personal Bio below)
Barbara Reichlin, MA, LMFT, LPC, a Houston Marriage Counselor for over 35 years, began specializing in marital and sex therapy during her nine years as a Staff Psychologist at the Texas Research Institute of Mental Sciences, (TRIMS). While there, she founded and directed the TRIMS Human Sexuality Training Program and served as a faculty member of the Family Therapy, Clinical Psychology, Gerontology and Psychiatry Residency training programs.
In 1984, Ms. Reichlin entered full time private practice. In 1990, she sought advanced training in a type of relationship therapy known as Imago Relationship Therapy. In 1994, she invested in additional training with the creator of Imago Therapy, Dr. Harville Hendrix, and gained certification as an Advanced Imago Therapy Clinician and Certified Workshop Presenter.
Barbara continues practicing as an Imago Therapist to this day, but over the years, has expanded her skill set by obtaining training in a variety of other therapeutic modalities.
Barbara is an inspiring, compassionate presenter who is skilled at creating a safe environment for all those she encounters.
She has twice served as president of the Houston Area Association for Imago Relationship Therapists.
Professional credentials are essential to consider when choosing the right therapist, but a therapist’s “personal credentials”, meaning their own life experiences, are also important factors to take into account. Barbara has personally navigated through many of the life transitions brought to her by her clients.
Barbara married right after college, had a son, and then, after seven years, became divorced. While living as a single parent, Barbara met the man who eventually became her second husband, Dr. Robert Reichlin. They married in 1984.
August, 2018, Barbara and Robert will have been together 44 years. Dr. Reichlin, who, in Barbara’s opinion, is one of Houston’s finest therapists and the finest geropsychologist in Houston, and she, office together in Bellaire, Tx. They are extremely proud of Barbara’s son from her first marriage, his lovely wife, and their 12 year old twins, (Barbara and Robert’s grandchildren), and their daughter and son-in-law, who live and work in Washington, DC.
• Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, Texas Lic. No. 445
• Licensed Professional Counselor, Texas Lic. No. 3393
• Advanced Clinician, Imago Relationships International, 1994 to present
• Certified Couples Workshop Presenter, Imago Relationships International, 1994 to present
• Past President, Houston Area Association Imago Relationship Therapists
• Clinical Member, American Association of Marriage & Family Therapists
• MA, Personnel Psychology, Dept. of Psychology, Teachers College, Columbia University, NY, NY 1966
• 1982 to present Marriage & Family Therapist, Private Practice, Houston, Tx
• 1973 to 1982 Staff Psychologist: Marriage and Family Clinic: Texas Research
Institute of Mental Sciences, (TRIMS) Houston, Texas
• 1968 to 1973 Supervisor, Vocational Services Unit: Department of Psychology:
Harris County Mental Health & Mental Retardation Center
• 1966 – 1973 Senior Case Coordinator, Patient Programs Dept: Institute for the
Crippled and Disabled New York, NY
Contact Ms. Reichlin (When emailing Ms. Reichlin, you may want to include your phone number so she can call you directly.)
Photography by Solaris Studios