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You might also want to check out these two additional lists . . .

This is THE Imago book used by Ms. Reichlin in her work with couples. Please buy two copies – one for each of you.
1. Getting the Love You Want, A Guide for Couples: Revised Edition
Harville Hendrix, Ph.D. & Helen LaKelly Hunt, Ph.D.
This is THE book on Imago Relationship Therapy, the type of therapy Ms. Reichlin has been conducting for the past 20 years. G.T.L.Y.W. literally transformed her practice and her own personal relationship with her husband. It has been a huge best seller for years and is available in any bookstore.
A “must read” for any couple seeking to prepare for, improve or save a committed love relationship.
2. Hold Me Tight: Seven Conversations for a Lifetime of Love
Sue Johnson, PhD
(Read an article written by Dr. Johnson re EFT & this book)
The highly acclaimed book by Dr. Sue Johnson, creator of Emotionally Focused Therapy, (EFT), is a powerful approach to couples therapy. I have trained in this model and continue to be excited about the possibilities of adding the depth of intimacy that EFT brings with all that Imago has to offer.
3. How To Improve Your Marriage Without Talking About It Pat Love, Ed.D. & Steven Stosny
Published in 2007, this terrific book is an absolute must read for everyone – whether you like to talk or not. Keen insights into gender differences that are probably running, (and possibly ruining,) your marriage/relationship without you even knowing about it. Learn how to can make significant changes, as the title says, without ever talking.
4. The Divorce Remedy: The Proven 7-Step Program For Saving Your Marriage Michelle Weiner-Davis
This one is hands down, the most effective book available for those trying to single handedly save a marriage or relationship! If this describes you in any way, do not pass go, do not collect your $200 – go immediately (as in today/tonight) and buy this book. You will soon be thanking me. Contrary to popular opinion, one person can change a relationship!
Truthfully, this is a terrific book for all couples. Don’t get hung up on the name. It’s a pragmatic, solution oriented book, and as such, is a gold mine for everyone who has tried everything they can think of to break out of an on-going power struggle without success.
Two cautions:
1) Do NOT buy Divorce Busting, Michelle’s original best seller. Divorce Remedy is a much improved re-write that can be purchased on Amazon, if not available at the store.
2) If you are the only or main one in your relationship dedicated to saving the relationship, then this book is FOR YOUR EYES ONLY. At least for right now. Nothing is guaranteed, of course, but If you follow this book exactly as prescribed, you may well see a positive change in your relationship. At that point, your partner, too, can read it. But that’s a ways a way. At this stage, you have to be willing to be the one to tip the first (and 2nd and third) dominos. Good luck!
5. Wired for Love: How Understanding Your Partner’s Brain and Attachment Style Can Help You Defuse Conflict and Build a secure relationship 2011
6. Getting the Love You Want Workbook Harville Hendrix, Ph.D. and Helen LaKelly Hunt, Phd.
This is the companion workbook that goes with Getting the Love You Want. If you are absolutely not going to attend an Imago workshop, then I highly recommend buying two copies of this book so that you can benefit from the rich exercises Imago has to offer.
7. The Five Love Languages: How to Express Heartfelt Commitment to Your Mate Gary Chapman, Northfield Publishing, Chicago, 1995, 204 pgs. Paper.
You most likely already own this book… most every couple I know, does. If you haven’t purchased it yet, I recommend that you do. Everyone has their own unique love language… this book helps you identify yours and your partner’s.
8. The Seven Principles For Making Marriage Work John Gottman, Ph.D., Crown, New York, 1999. Paper.
A truly lovely and authoritative book from the country’s foremost researcher on marriage longevity. Gottman’s books are highly respected in the field of marriage and family therapy in that they are based upon years of scientific study with thousands of couples at the University of Washington.